Can You Kill a Deer With a 30 Lb Bow
This was arrived at by shooting an arrow from a 5 pound bow. The bottom line is.
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Its a thousand dollar bow.

. Answer 1 of 4. I know of a kid on that bighorn ranch in California with a 30 lb bow shot one of those ramboley sheep spelling with all that wool and blew right through it. Our son Andrew killed a small buck with a 24 pound bow last season.
Lighter bows will kill deer as well but they can lack the extra push needed for maximum penetration if the arrow encounters a heavy muscle mass or a bone. Is 40 lb draw weight enough to kill a deer if u shoot it through the heart. If you want to take out a deer or elk with 30 pounds of draw weight youll need to hit the vital organs.
Can a 70-pound bow kill. For large games like moose or elks a 50 lb draw weight or more is required. The American Archery Institute endorses this formula.
For larger game such as elk or moose a good recommendation is at least 60-65 lbs of draw weight. However you can still shoot and kill a deer with a powerful bow even from 70 or 80 yards. What you can do is a little bit of extra exercise - push ups are great for arms shoulders.
Be sure to check local county and state laws for draw weight requirements. A 40 lb is in fact adequate for bowhunting and can provide enough energy to drive the arrow through the vital organs so long as you can place your shot in the vital zone under stress. On the flip side the same setup may not be adequate if the arrow were to hit even a rib on a larger animal such as an elk or bear.
Pair that up with a broadhead and it will easily kill a human at hunting distance. The arrow was a early Easton arrow called the X15 I believe. If this is your first visit be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above.
The closer your shoot the quicker and more powerful your arrow. I bet a modern 30 pound compound is whipping out arrows as fast or faster than ancient traditional bows that killed deer. If you can pull back 35 pounds comfortably you can probably work with a reputable bow technician to get a hunting bow setup capable of hitting the kinetic energy and momentum levels needed to ethically kill a deer.
DH70 - you will need to increase the bow poundage to humanely kill a deer. If I were to hunt deer with a bow with a 30 pound draw weight I would want it to be a compound. To be specific with a particular weight can you kill a deer with a 35-pound bow.
Its best to try and use heavier arrows since they will carry more momentum to cut through bone and achieve better penetration. Its humorous that many here say a 45lb recurve will kill can elk but very few would use a bow like that for elk You use what you can shoot best I guess. An arrow fired from a 30 bow that strikes a deer in the heart or lungs will bring it down quickly while a hit from a 50 bow in the flanks will mean your deer will run off and if it does bleed out itll be a long way from where you wounded it.
For whitetail deer hunting anything above 40 lbs is fine. The broad head was the Bear Razorhead 145 gr. As long as you are only looking to do some target practice and do not plan to do any hunting 30 and 25 pounders.
My first kill deer with a bow was with a 35 Bear bow. The arrow went 10 yards. Hey if it works and you can hit what youre aiming at then its a great bow.
For every pound of draw weight on the bow you can shoot 2 yards. With the right arrow and broadhead combo 30 lbs is plenty to kill a deer. PSE Razor Back and Martin Archery X200 you can find out about both through my comparison chart.
Being able to make a precise and accurate shot is far more important than how powerful your bow is. There is no exact distance to shoot deer from but expert hunters recommend it usually from 30 to 40 yards. A general rule of thumb is that a shooter should be able to shoot a bow about 30 times in a row without being fatigued.
In Wisconsin one can legally hunt deer with a bow of equal to or greater than 30 pounds draw weight. Therefore you should be good to 100 yards with a 50 pound bow. Even with a 70-pound bow a shot to a deers lower leg will not be deadly.
An old hunting buddy of mine has used the same bow for 25 years. You can compensate a bit with high foc heavy arrows and cut on contact broadheads but I really think 15 yards is borderline range for a 35 lbs primitive bow for Whitetails and not something you should use on reds at all. To start viewing messages select the forum that you want to visit from the selection below.
A broadhead inserted into the animals heart or lungs guarantees rapid merciful euthanasia. In some US states its legal to take down deer and even bear with a 30 bow. Milkman - hes young.
Click the register link above to proceed. So a good conclusion could be that 30 or so pounds of energy is a good minimum starting point for whitetails and similar-sized game at close range provided the shooter can place the arrow with absolute precision. 30 recurve is capable of shooting a small diameter arrow with at up to 190 fps.
This bow was an excellent shooter and my flight was perfect. A 35-pound resistance can undoubtedly down a whitetail deer but with these key variables in place. The formula works like this.
I dont like to leave people hanging when they ask me an archery question so my answer is usually this. In most states your crossbow should meet or exceed a minimum draw weight to hunt a game. Can you kill a deer with a 30 pound bow.
You may have to register before you can post. I hit the doe at 16 yards in center chest and the arrow buried itself in the ground on the other side. But I can tell you that I miss my old Bowtech.
Bows of 45 to 55-pound draw weight will easily provide enough force to reach the vitals of a. How Far Can We Kill Deer With A Bow. 40 lbs can effectively kill whitetails.
Shot placement is key. So yes 30 will work. Specially on larger stags.
You can effectively kill a deer using a crossbow with a 40 lb draw weight. I cant say the same for the newer one. Just a few pounds either way can be a deal-breaker for a lot of people and if dropping 5 pounds keeps you good for an extra 5 yards that could be a pretty square deal.
I dont recall ever missing a deer I shot at with that bow. You have to hit them in the right place and use a cut on impact two-blade head like the Bear Razorhead to get the most possible penetration. Well the answer is yes but I suggest you take note of the following factors for a successful hunt.
A 30 lb recurve bow can kill small game effectively. What can a 30 lb recurve bow kill. Close shots are also simpler to execute since your target looks to be.
I think the minimum is 45 based on something I read. When it comes to larger game arrow placement becomes more and more important.
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